Day 1: Introduction to Blazor

What is Blazor?

  • Blazor is a framework to build interactive web apps using C# (instead of JavaScript).

  • Runs in the browser via WebAssembly (client-side) or on the server (server-side).

  • Uses Razor syntax (HTML + C#) to create components.

    Hosting Models

    | Blazor WebAssembly | Blazor Server | | --- | --- | | Runs C# code directly in the browser | Runs C# code on the server | | Needs WebAssembly support | Uses SignalR for real-time updates | | Good for static sites | Good for dynamic apps |

    Create Your First Blazor App

  • Step 1: Create a New Project

    Open a terminal and run:

  • dotnet new blazorwasm -o HelloBlazor
    cd HelloBlazor

Step 2: Run the App

dotnet run

Understand the Project Structure

Here’s what the HelloBlazor folder contains:

├── Pages/ # Contains Razor components (e.g., Index.razor)
├── Shared/ # Reusable components (e.g., MainLayout.razor)
├── wwwroot/ # Static files (CSS, images)
├── Program.cs # App startup logic
├── App.razor # Root component for routing

Modify the Home Page (Hello World)

Let’s edit the default home page.

Step 1: Open Pages/Index.razor

Replace its content with:

@page "/"

Hello, Blazor!

Today is @DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()

<button @onclick="ShowAlert">Click Me

@code { private void ShowAlert() { Console.WriteLine("Button clicked!"); // Log to browser console } }

Step 2: Run Again

dotnet run

Key Takeaways

  • Components: Blazor apps are built using .razor files (e.g., Index.razor).

  • Razor Syntax: Mix HTML with C# using @ (e.g., @DateTime.Now).

  • Event Handling: Use @onclick, @oninput to handle user actions.

Practice Task

Modify the Counter Component:

  1. Open Pages/Counter.razor.

  2. Change the button text to "Increment by 1".

  3. Make the counter start at 10 instead of 0.


@page "/counter"


Current count: @currentCount

Increment by 1

@code { private int currentCount = 10; // Start at 10 private void IncrementCount() => currentCount++; }

Common Issues (For Beginners)

  • Port Conflicts: If dotnet run fails, use dotnet run --urls=http://localhost:5000 to change the port.

  • Browser Caching: Force-refresh the page (Ctrl + F5) if changes don’t appear.

  • Missing Dependencies: Ensure the .NET SDK is installed correctly (dotnet --version should work).